SKULL TYPES IN REPTILES Reptiles are ectothermic animals whose body is covered by epidermal scales . They possess monocondylic skull that rests on a long neck made of atlas, axis and other cervical vertebrae . They have two sacral vertebrae, which are fused together to transfer the weight of body onto the hind limbs. Pentadactyle limbs bear sharp claws which help the animal in creeping and climbing. Reptiles were the first vertebrates that laid a large, shelled, cleoid egg that could develop on land. The egg has three membranes, amnion, allantois and yolk sac which help in the development of the embryo on land in dry conditions. Generally in reptiles with big jaws and large head, the skull becomes too heavy for the neck to support it. Therefore vacuities or fossae developed in reptiles to lighten ...