Reptiles evolved from amphibians of Carboniferous period, which depended on water bodies for laying eggs and development of
larval stages and hence could not exploit arid habitats far away from water
bodies. They invented a large
yolk-laden shelled egg that could be laid on
land and in which an amniotic sac contained
fluid in which embryo could develop to an advanced stage, capable of fending for itself when hatched. The
following anatomical changes transformed the ancestral amphibians into land
adapted reptiles:
- Body
developed a covering of epidermal scales to
prevent loss of body moisture, and skin glands were lost.
- Skull became monocondylic for better movement and
flexibility. Atlas and axis
vertebrae together permitted skull movement in all directions.
- Limb bones and girdles became stronger but limbs were attached on the sides of body,
and belly touched the ground during
creeping mode of locomotion.
- Sacral region involved two strong and fused vertebrae to
support the body weight on hind legs.
- Pentadactyle limbs developed claws that helped in
climbing on rocks and trees.
- Lung respiration became more efficient.
- As a
water conservation strategy,
metanephros kidneys excreted uric
acid which did not require water for excretion.
- Reptiles
continued to be ectothermal since ventricle
was not completely partitioned by a septum and blood mixed in
- Internal fertilization evolved as a large
cleioid shelled egg was laid on land.
- Embryonic
membranes amnion, allantois and yolk sac evolved to enable embryonic
development in arid conditions.
They were the most primitive stem reptiles that
evolved from the labyrithodont amphibians (Embolomeri) in Carboniferous period.
Seymoria was a lizard-like animal, with pentadactyle limbs
and a short tail. It had homodont labyrinthine teeth on the jaw bones as well
as on vomer and palatine bones. Presence of lateral line indicates its
amphibious habits. Skull was monocondylic for better movement of head. Seymoria indicates
gradual transition from labyrinthodont amphibians to reptiles. Another 5 foot
long cotylosaur fossil, Limnoscelis was found in Mexico that
had large premaxillary teeth and long tail.
They possessed superior temporal vacuity in the
skull and were adapted for aquatic mode of life.
Plesiosaurus was marine long-necked, fish-eating animal
with 15 metre long fusiform body, short tail and paddle-like limbs modified for
swimming. The skull was euryapsid type with a superior temporal vacuity. The
fossils are from lower Jurassic (about 180 million years) and they are believed
to have become extinct in end-Cretaceous mass extinction.
Ichthyosaurus had fish-like body with fore limbs modified
into paddle-like fins and hind limbs disappeared. There was a fleshy dorsal fin
too. Caudal fin was large and bilobed. Jaws projected into an elongated snout
and teeth were homodont, an adaptation for fish-catching. Skull was parapsid
type with additional postfrontal and supratemporal bones behind the eye orbit.
Vertebral column became secondarily simplified with amphicoelous vertebrae.
Synapsids split off from the primitive reptilian
stock very early in evolution, perhaps in the middle carboniferous period. Synapsids
had started developing mammalian characteristics that enabled them to be
fleet-footed and active predators. Their legs commenced to move under the body.
Heterodont dentition and false palate started developing in pelycosaurs and had
been completely formed in therapsids. Two types of synapsids occurred from
carboniferous to Permian, namely, the primitive Pelycosaurs and advanced
Pelycosaurs are represented by Dimetrodon whose
fossils were discovered from North America and Russia from the late
Carboniferous to Permian periods. They were primitive reptile-like animals in
which limbs had moved under the body but not completely and each limb had 5
digits with claws. Neural spines on the back were excessively long stretching
highly vascularized skin between them that formed a fin-like or sail-like
structure. They had heterodont dentition with incisors, canines and molars
clearly defined but the false palate had not been completely formed.
Therapsids were more advanced and active synapsids which
were perhaps endothermic animals with high rate of metabolism. Heterodont
dentition with false palate allowed these animals to chew and grind food for
quick digestion in the gut so that high metabolic demand of the body could be
fulfilled. Jaw muscles were attached to zygomatic arch to make chewing
effective. Carnivore therapsids were called Cynodonts (ex. Cynognathus) and
herbivores were Dicynodonts.
They evolved from the sauropsid Archosauria, a
group of insignificant lizard-like reptiles that survived the Triassic mass
extinction. They evolved into bipedal and highly agile predators.
Euperkeria and Ornithosuchus fossils were
unearthed from South Africa and Europe. They were about 2 ft long bipedal
lizard-like animals with small head but very long tail for balancing while they
chased flying insects by rapid running. Endothermy must have evolved in
thecodonts to meet the extraordinary energy demands of their predatory life
They were dinosaurs with lizard-like pelvic girdle
in which ischium and pubis bones radiated away from each other. They were both
bipedal and quadrupedal and carnivores as well as herbivores.
They were dinosaurs with bird-like pelvic girdle in
which ischium and pubis bones were directed towards posterior as found in
modern birds. These were also highly diversified carnivores as well as
herbivores and both bipedal and quadruped.
They were flying or gliding dinosaurs of Mesozoic
that varied in size from sparrow-sized to some species, like Pteranodon, having
a wing span of 8 meters. They had pneumatic bones. Last digit of the fore limb
was extraordinarily long and served to attach the membranous patagium between
fore limb, hind limb and the body. Hind limbs were used for clinging on to the
rocks and cliffs and 3 digits of fore limbs also had curved claws, an
adaptation for clinging. Their jaws were modified into beak that possessed
homodont dentition but Pteranodon did not have teeth.
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