MECANISM OF DNA REPLICATION -Dna replication occurs in the s-phase of inerphase of cell cycle due to which the amount of dna is dooble. -Replication of dna is a complex multistep process with each sky precisely controlled by a specific enzyme.many protein factor and ions are required for replication. ORIGIN OF REPLICATION;- -The origin of replication or ori is of a particular region of dna having a specific sequence of nucleo tides called autonomic replicating sequence. -Prokaryotic dna has a single replicon while eukaryotic dna has hundreds and thousnds of replicons. -Repucation proceeds on both sides from the ori site which is called bidirection replication. ACTIONVATION OF NULEOTIDES;- -The four types of deoxyribonucleotides required for dna replication are DEMP,DGMP,DTMP and DCMP. -These nucleotictes added phosphoric acid with the help of energy and phosphorylase to produce triphosphate state and water. UNWINDING OF HELIX:- -Unwinding of dna helix at t...