Development of frog

Development of frog 
- In frog sex are separate with will develop sexual dimorphism.
- Male has a testis and female has a pair of ovary.
-During breeding season male Copulation and female compilations is called amphexsus.
-Frog and ovary and female egg in water fertilization is external and development is direct and the larva called tadpole.
-It is monosperming only one spore fussed with egg fertilized rotated such a way that the animal hemisphere those above.
-The jelly coat swells and increase in thikness 2nd mitotic division completed resulting in the release of  second polar.
-Spawn enter in the egg the vitaline  member become  elevated and called as fertilization membrane.
-Immediately after fertilization the black pigment animal pole placed above label vegital pole below. i -Before release of egg in water Jelly court in think and observed water and going to swell
-The entire of sporm causes the movement of the pigment on one side just below the equator  a crystal like area apper and will be grey colour.
-The region of Grey cryset become the posterior side of opposite region will become the anterior side -The path taken by the sperm in the egg called penetration path and the path taken by the sperm to approach the egg nucleus called fertilization path.
The division of zygote in too many blastomere.
 The age anterior leg divides hence the cleavage holoblastic cleavage.
 It produce dissimilar type of blastomere.
 The 1st cleavage is meridional and result into equal blastomere second cleavage is also merridional but right angle first one produce 4  blastomere .
 The 3rd cleavage is equatorial occurs above the equator towards animal pole.
 Fluids is vertical produce 16 blastomeres 8 towards the animal hemisphere and other 8 towords the vegital hemisphere .
 Cleavage plane is latitudinal plane result in the formation of 32 blastomere out of which 16 are micromere and another 16 macromere.
Clevage  produce and embrotic phase is called blastula.
It development zygote.
It is sperical shape with cavity inside.
Cavity is called blastocyst blastocoel is fieled with a albometre filled with called blastoceol jelly.
Blastocoel is  surrounded by blastobel found to the blastomeres.
Fate map
Another side of prechordal area lies the measured on micrometre of animal pole develop into ectoderm the microbial present absent of notochord and measured on develop into neuro code the microbe present always from it develop into epidermal ectoderm gastrulation the development of gastrula from blastula call as gastrulation gastrula age characterize buy three layer of cell and from your arrange actor measure Tom and endoderm this three layer are set to the germ layer the movement of cell from this original place to another during last lesson which bring about the definite structure of embryo such type of movement of grass trimmer call as morphogenetic movement morphogenetic movements is to type body and I'm really happy Valley is the movement of cell on the surface of embryo and Amboli the movement of cell into the embryo event of gastrulation a Grove appear below the grey crescent and macro me your move into the embryo Toofan endoderm this movement of Android Don is called invagination the Grove depends into the embryo to form a cavity called as archenteron the opening of the archenteron is blastopore bounded by four leap a pair of lateral leaf dorsal and ventral leaf endodermal cells foot Road out throw the blastopore called York blog the mesodermal cells prechordal plate cell and not ok order phase migrate towards the last leaf called Convent in blastopore leave this cell roll over and move in into the embryo such movement is called information self move away from blastopore into the embryo embryo called divergence prechordal cells on AutoCAD all cells are arranged as a flat in the mid dorsal Roop of ancient era


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