Bacteria reproduction or recombination long question answer in botany department
BACTERIA CELL RECOBINATION - Bacteria is a prokaryotic cells and unicellular. - Bacteria is a single celled organism , visible only through a microscope. - Bacteria lack a true nucleous. - Bacteria belongs to kingdom monera , present every where ( air,water , soil) etc. STRUCTURE -The size of bacteria is 1 Mium – 5 Mium in length. - The shape of the bacteria is 4 types. 1. COCOUS - It is a sperical and unicellular. - Bacteria arrenged may be in chain or group. EX- Diplococous and Tetracocous etc. 2. BACILLUS -It is a rod shaped. EX- Bacillus, Diplobaciluus and streptobacillus. 3. COMMA - Shape ( which are little ) beat curved one end. 4. SPIRILLUM - sprilling shape. FLAGELLA -It is a long filamentous structure locoted just inside the cell wall. - Flagella divided 3 parts. a. Main fillament – is made up of protins called flagellin. b. Hook - is the structure which penetrate the cell wall....