
Showing posts from July, 2018

Bacteria reproduction or recombination long question answer in botany department

BACTERIA   CELL   RECOBINATION - Bacteria is a prokaryotic cells and unicellular. - Bacteria is a single celled organism , visible only through a microscope. - Bacteria lack a true nucleous. - Bacteria belongs to kingdom monera , present every where ( air,water , soil) etc. STRUCTURE -The size of bacteria is 1 Mium – 5 Mium in length. - The shape of the bacteria is 4 types. 1. COCOUS - It is a sperical and unicellular. - Bacteria arrenged may be in chain or group. EX- Diplococous and Tetracocous   etc. 2. BACILLUS -It is a rod shaped. EX- Bacillus, Diplobaciluus and streptobacillus. 3. COMMA   -  Shape ( which are little ) beat curved one end. 4. SPIRILLUM   - sprilling shape. FLAGELLA -It is a long filamentous structure locoted just inside the cell wall. - Flagella divided 3 parts. a. Main fillament – is   made up of protins called flagellin. b. Hook - is the structure which penetrate the cell wall....

Structure of heart +3 zoology students long question answer simple word ...........

STRUCTURE     OF     HEART -Heart is the hallow moscular and redis brown in colour. - Heart is located in thorascic cavity in between two lungs. - Two- thrid of the heart is located to the left of the mid line of the body and one- third is located to the right. -The size of heart is a enclosed in own fist. - Heart is about 12 cm in length , 8-9cm   in width and   6cm thikness. - The weight about human heart 250-300gms. - Heart is made up of cardiac – muscles. LAYERS   OF   THE   HEART   WALL - E xternaly the heart is covered by membranous sac called pericadium. - The wall of the heart is made up of 3 layers tissue, * The outer layer of the heart wall is epicardium . *The middle layer of the heart wall is myocaedium . * The inner layer of the heart wall is endocardium . - The inner and outer two layer enclosed a coelom called as pericardial cavity . - This cavity is field with a fluid called as peri...

Thallus organisation in fungi +3 zoology long question answer in simple word

THALLUS    ORGANISATION    IN    FUNGI - Thallus is a plant body that is not differentiate into stream , leaves , lock true roots and a vascular system. - Thallus are two meassue type of fungi,           1. Non mycellia thallus           2. Mycellia thallus 1 . NON   MYCELLIA   THALLUS - Non mycellia fungi are basicaly unicellular with a true   cellwall. - In some cases unicelluar thallus producing bud cell. - These bud cell may remain attached one another such as chain of bud cell is refer to as pseudo-mycellium. 2. MYCELLIUM - It is a true fungi. - The thallus filaments is composed of hyphae. - Loosely arrenged hyphae are collectively known as mycelium. - These are 2 types of hyphae  in the mycellial fungi,          a. Non septated hyphae      ...

Structure of Peripatus and affinity long question for +3 zoology students

STRUCTURE   OF PERIPATUS   AND   AFFINITY - Peripatus is a soft bodied worm like , bilaterally symetrical animal. - It shows tracheal mode of respiration. - It is grouped in phylum arthropoda and class onychophora. - Class onychophora inclodes primitive (old) worm like arthropods. - Peripatus connecting like bewteen arhropoda and annelids. - Peripatus seen in neotropical regions like west indies, america, congo and australia etc. - It is the terrestrial animal. - It lives under stones and back ( tree outer layer) of tree and in shady place. - It is nocturnal in habit. ( night standing animal) - During day time it remains in the dark place. - In night time it come out and collect food. - In feeds on small insects , worms etc.   EXTERNAL CHARECTER -It is a soft bodies , worm like animal. - It grows up to 1 to 2 inc length. - The soft body shows deep black colour on the dorsal   side. - The light red colour on the ventral side. ...

Reproduction in lichens for +3 zoology students

REPRODUCTION   IN   LICHENS - Commonly lichens produced by vegetative , asexual and sexual methords of reproduction. A. VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION a) BY FRAGMENTION - Death and decay of older parts of the thalus produce smaller pieces. - This pieces give rise to new thalus. - In sometime the broken poritin are born in other substrated by wind. - Each flagelats contains algal and fungal or getting a suitable substrated , each portion give rise to a new thallus.   b) BY SOREDIA - It is the most common methord of vegetative reproduction. - Soredia are dispersed by wind sometime they form a massive cating on the thallus called as soredia dust. - Each soredium contain fungal hyphae and algal cell , on getting suitable substratun give rise to new lichen thallus.   c) BY ISIDIA - Isidia are broken off from the parent thallus and dispresed to other substrate. - Each isidium contain fungal and algal componets, so they get suitable...

Excretion in annelida long question for +3 zoology students

EXCRETION    IN ANNILIDA - Excretion is defined as the separetion elimation of nitrogenus west from body to out side. - The organ involve in excretion called as ecretory organ. - In annelida exretion is brought about by these following organ. NEPHRIDIA - These are coild tubules arrenged segmentally drive from ectoderm and projected in the nephridia named as 1. proto-nephridia 2. meta-nrphridia A. PROTONEPHRIDIA - These are primitive type of nephridia open to exterior by an opening called nephridiapore. - Internaly it   blindly open towords coelom and are branched. - Each branch ends in a tubular cell ,   called solencytes. - It is a cavity surrounded by cytoplasm mass. - Flagellum arises from the mass of cytoplasm. - It is found in alcepa. B. METANEPHRIDIA - It has two opening ,one end is open to the coelom by funnel like structure called nephrostome. - And orther end open to anterior by nephridiapore,found in nereis. - Nep...

larva form of echinoderms, for long question note +3 zoology students BIOLOGY CLASSES

Larval     Form     Of     Echinoderm - The development of echinoderm may be direct or indirect. - The direct development there is no larval form but in indirect development there are larval forms. - Larval form are different parents. 1. DIPLEURUAL    LARVA -   It is a foundamental larva of all echinoderm. -   It is a microscoping and free swiming larva. -   Body is egg-shaped / oval and bilateralaly symmetrical. -   dipleurla 2 cillia bands named as a. Perioral band: used for locomotion. b. Adoral band: used for collecting of food. -   Dipleurual larva developes in next larva named as Bipinaria larva. 2. BIPINARIA    LARVA -   It is a 2 nd   larva stage of star fish / asteroidea. -   It is a minute and microscopic and free swinminh larva. - The body is bilateral symmetrical. -   It has straight elimentary canal , mouth to anus. -   Body has...