Respiration in arthropods for +3 students and graduation students in biology paper.

          RESPIRATION  IN  ARTHROPODS                             

prof-Dr ramakant..

For your best performance and best results in your semestar.
ok students best of luck .and my contact no. 6370419708

Respiration involves in the exchange of gasses between body and environment.

-These are 2 type of respiration
1. AQUATIC          2. AERIAL
-The organ associated with aquatic respiration are,
a. Gills or branchiae
-Gills are the respiratory organ in aquatic animal.
-Gills are situated inside the gill chamber and gills chamber located inside the thorax.

-Gills is crescent (Rounded shape) shape.
-It consist of central axis  2 or more than lamella.
- Gills are differentiated into 3 different type an presence of lamella.
b. Phyllobranchiate gill
- The lamellae are flat broad leaf-like and arranged in 2 rows.
EX- Palaemon
C.Tricho branchiate gill
-The gills are tubular shaped.
-The gills fillament arrenged in 3 side.
EX- Astacus
d.Dendrobranchiate gill
-This type of gills are leaf-like lamellae are divided many fine branched filaments called gill fillament.
EX- Penaeus
-These are small highly vascular leaf like membranous out growths of integument on outer side of coxa in first three thorasic segment.
- The exchange gasses between blood and water.
f. Branchiostegites
-The gill-chambar is covered by lateral extension of carapace (outer covering) , called gill cover or Branchistegites.
-The exchange gasses between blood and water.
g. Rectal gills
-They are located inner surface of the bears gills , these gills called rectal gills.
h. Book gills
-These are book likegills.
-Each gill contains nearly 150 lamellae.
-The most specialised gills are seen in xiphosurids.
i.Tracheal gills
-These are out grouth of body wall fingershape.
-many insects or fly 7 pair of leaf like tracheal gills on the side of obdomen.
j.Blood gills
-These are gills of insect larva supplied with blood vessels not with trachea then it called blood gills.

k.Body surface
-Many arthorpodas are respiration by general body surface of diffusion it occurs in smoth body surface.

·       -In most crustaceaus (hard covering animal) the gills are not coovering within a  special gill chamber;
·       But in decapods (10 lags animal) gills are coverd special chamber.
·       -The water enter through one end and after bathing the gills, water passes out through another direction.
·       Exchange of gasses takes takes place between H2O and Blood.
-Aerial respiration occurs in terestial arthorpodas.
-This type of arthorpodas utilised O2 gas present in air.
1.Tracheal system
- It is found in insects.
- Tracheal system are two types,
a. Ventilation trachea
b. Diffused trachea
   a. Ventilation trachea : Oval in shape and collapses after the exhalation of air.
   b. diffused trachea :Rigid and dose not collapse after the exhalation.

-The enviroment air is drow inside the body by force at tracheal system.
-The air enyers the tracheal system and O2 gasses diffiuse into the tissue and relesed CO2 gas.
-In the crustacea (outer covering) , the upper parts of the gill chamber is separated from the rest.
-And from a closed chamber within which vascular tafts(cillia like stracture) and perform aerial respiration.
- The book-lungs are best seen in spider and scoropionids.
- The cavity of book lungs are lined by cuticle, formed neumorus folds called lamelli.
-It open out side by a oblique called stigmata.
-Book lungs are hollow ,containg blood and slit(opening) like opening into a small chamber called atrial chamber.
-Each atrial chamber open into polumunar chamber.
-Each book-lung communiceates to the exterior by a stigma.


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