larva form of echinoderms, for long question note +3 zoology students BIOLOGY CLASSES
Larval Form Of Echinoderm
- The development of echinoderm may be
direct or indirect.
- The direct development there is no
larval form but in indirect development there are larval forms.
- Larval form are different parents.
It is a foundamental larva of all echinoderm.
It is a microscoping and free swiming larva.
Body is egg-shaped / oval and bilateralaly symmetrical.
dipleurla 2 cillia bands named as
Perioral band: used for locomotion.
Adoral band: used for collecting of food.
Dipleurual larva developes in next larva named as Bipinaria larva.
It is a minute and microscopic and free swinminh larva.
- The body is bilateral symmetrical.
It has straight elimentary canal , mouth to anus.
Body has a no. Of out growth called as arm.
It has 2 unpairs arms and 5 paired arms.
The arms are ,
1. Postero – Lateral ------ 2
2. Postero – Dorsal ------ 2
3. Post -- Oral ------ 2
4. Pre -- Oral ------ 2
5. Antero – Dorsal ------ 2
6. Ventro – Median ------ 1
7. Dorsal – Median ------- 1
It is the 3rd larva of starfish.
It is bilaterally symmetrical larva.
It shows 3 brachiolar arms with suckers , they are one median and two
lateral in position.
Arms are helpful for swimmng and feeding.
It is the larva of ophiuroidea and petorl.
Their is a single ciliated band present .
larva has a pair of peroral arms and pair of postera dersal arm and a pair of
postero latoral arm.
The postero lateral arm are always larger and directed forword direction
, so this larva look like V
It is larva of sea cucumber.
It is bilateraly symmetricaly.
The present lobe is wall formed.
It is a single ciliated band.
The calcareous rods replaced by star-shaped or whell- like bodies.
The auricularia larva is transformed into a dolialaria larva.
It is the larva of see lily.
The body is barrel shaped and bilaterally symmetrical.
The preoral lobe well-developed.
The body has 4 or 5 ciliary bond.
A mouth is present between second and thried ciliary band.
It is a free swimming larva.
It is the 2nd larva of antedone.
It develops form daliolaria larva.
It looks like sea lily.
The pentactula larva , it has five tentacles around the mouth.
During the metamorphosis the crown develops.
During the metomorphosis the bilaterally symmetrical larva become
transformed into radially symmetrial adult and alternation of the position of
the mouth.
All the larva of echinoderms have bilateraly symmetry hence, it is
beleved that the ansector of echinoderms was a bilateraly symmetrical animals.
A/C sea- man this ansector was called pentactual and it is universaly
Radial symmetry of echinoderm is secondary but in cilientraltes and
poriphera is primery.
best of luck for your exam , you study and ask u dout or other wise
doubt in other long question in biology ask me in comment box .ok student
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