Water vascular system long question for graduation students.......biology subject

Prof.- Dr ramakant pradhan 
best of luck for your exam , you study and ask u doubt or other wise dout in other long question in biology ask me in comment box .ok  student by . 


-The water vascular system is a hydrolic system.

  • -This system is composed of canal connecting numerous tube Feet.
-It is a  primarly locomotary in function and the excretory role of water vascular system.
-Water vascular system consist of following parts named as
·        Madreporite
·        Stone canal
·        Ring canal
·        Tiedemanns bodies
·        Radial canal
·        Polian veside
·        Tube feet

-It shape ,rounded calcareous plate laying in the aboral surface of astrias.
-It is situated internodal position.
- The surface of madreporite, it produce no of radiating grove.
-The bottom of grove performed by mixture of pore lead into spore canal and murged into a collecting canal.
-The collecting canal converting a small bag like structure  called maderporite.
-The ampulla open into a stone canal.
-The ampula open into a S shaped canal called as stone canal
-The wall of stone canal is lined with cillia and drown out side from sea water.
-One end of the tube open into out side through the maderporite and other end open into ring canal.
-Ring canal is located to the innerside of the peristomal ring and present above the mouth.
-It is wide and pentagonal or five side.
-The ring canal gives out nine small, yellowish,irregular or rounded glandular bodies.
-They are inner radialy arrenged.
-The function of tiedemanns bodies are unknow.
-The ring canal gives off on its outerside one or two or four little,pear shaped, thin walled and a long nucks called pollian vesicles.
-They are regulated pressure inside the ambulacral system/arms.
-The outer  surface of ring canal gives out 5 radial canal.
-The radial canal runs to the arms sends in the terminal tentacles.
-Each radial canal gives out many paired canal at both side called lateral canal.
-Each lateral canal attached to the base of a tube feet and it prevent back word flow of fluid into the radial canal.
-It is a hollow elastic thin walled cylinder like structure .
-It consist of uper saclike structure ampulla,amiddle tubelar podium and a lower disc like sucker.
-Mussle fibres fibers are present the wall of ampulla and podium.
-Tube feet are locomotory and respiratory organ of asterias.
-Water vasscular system has 3 important function they are locomotion,food capture and attachment.
-The locomotion of star fish is via multipul tube feet.
-Star fish exihibit creepimg movement it creep an tube feet.
-star fish creep at a 15cm. Per 1min.
-Locomotion of star fish bring about water vascular syster set of hydrolic presser mechanism.
-In the direction of movement one or two arms are slightly raised from the substratum.
-The sea water enter through madreporite finaly,
The sea water reased the tube feet and their ampula.
-The ampula contract the lateral canal and tube feet prevent the flow of water into the radial canal.
-The hydrolic presser increses in tube feet so, it elongated in the direction of movement and attached in substratum by the suckers.
-After the attachement the body move in forword direction.
-The water from the tube feet is pused into the ampulla
Hence the tube feet shorten ,the suckers are released.Then the ampula contracts & the whole prosess is repeated.
-The tube feet are used capture the carry the suckers are used to the open shess of mollusa.
-The tube feet can be attached to  the rocks by the tube feet so it help in attached of the body with substratum.


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