Structure of heart +3 zoology students long question answer simple word ...........


-Heart is the hallow moscular and redis brown in colour.

- Heart is located in thorascic cavity in between two lungs.

- Two- thrid of the heart is located to the left of the mid line of the body and one- third is located to the right.

-The size of heart is a enclosed in own fist.

- Heart is about 12 cm in length , 8-9cm  in width and  6cm thikness.

- The weight about human heart 250-300gms.

- Heart is made up of cardiac – muscles.


- E xternaly the heart is covered by membranous sac called pericadium.

-The wall of the heart is made up of 3 layers tissue,

* The outer layer of the heart wall is epicardium.

*The middle layer of the heart wall is myocaedium.

* The inner layer of the heart wall is endocardium .

- The inner and outer two layer enclosed a coelom called as pericardial cavity.

- This cavity is field with a fluid called as pericardial fluid.


-The internal cavity of the heart is divided into four chamber, the broad base has  2 artrium and the conical apex has 2 ventricle.

-Two artrium are named as right artrium and left artrium.

-Two ventricle are named as right ventricle and left ventricle.

- The two artris are thin walled chambers and two ventricles are thick walled chambers.

- The difference in thick-ness in the heart chamber due to presence of myocardium.

- The two specific types of valves situated between left ventricle and aorta and between right ventricle and pulmonary artery, is called as semilunar valve.


- The atrium is divided right atrium and left atrium.

- It is separated from right atrium by interatrial septum.


-The right atrium is larger then left atrium.

- The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood by superior vena cava at the upper end and inferior vena cava at the lower end.

- The inner side a vertical groove is seen between the opening of superior and inferior venacava called as sulcus terminalis.

-The right side of the heart pumps the deoxygenated blood into the  pulmonary ateries around the lungs.


-The left atrium is lower than right atrium .

- The left atrium receives the oxygeneated blood from lungs through 4 pulmonary veins.

- It is separated from the left ventricle by the bicuspid (mitral) valve.


-It is divided 2 ventricle , right and left ventricle.

- The left ventricle separated from the right ventricle by innerventricular septum.


- The right ventricle is small then left ventricle.

- The right atrium from the right ventricle by a 3 flap like valve called as tri- cuspid valve.

 -It receives  oxygenated blood to the lungs by pulmonarty artery.


- Left ventricle is larger than right ventricle.

- It receives blood from the left atrium by aorta.

-The oxygenated blood passing through the body organ ( cells and tissues )                                         


*      Prof.- Dr ramakant pradhan 
best of luck for your exam , you study and ask u doubt or other wise dout in other long question in biology ask me in comment box .ok  student by . 


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